“Freedom Accelerates”
– Christopher Valor
Encounter Package
Access to 5 pre-recorded training videos with about 1.5 hours of content. These will give you the foundations of the spiritual realm, and what inner healing and deliverance look like.
A 6-hour deep-dive intensive encounter with The Valors. You will go through a refiner’s fire process which includes:
You will be guided through your past to illuminate any impurities and reveal their significance and consequences.
Identify spiritual vulnerabilities that may be causing destructive patterns and limiting cycles.
Impurities will be removed.
Break generational curses, word curses, inner vows, soul ties, unforgiveness.
Deliverance from evil spirits.
Experience the all-consuming presence, peace and love of Jesus who will heal past trauma, reveal the next level of your identity, and accelerate your spiritual authority to rule and reign.
In-person deep dive intensive encounters are held in the greater San Diego, CA area.
Follow up pre-recorded equipping video to help you walk out your freedom
Refining declarations with scripture references to declare over your life.
Personal write-up of major hidden oppressions that were revealed during the deep dive intensive encounter.
Four 1-hour calls/Zooms after the deep dive intensive encounter to continue your journey.
Additional resource list with spiritual warfare training videos, worship, and book recommendations.
Live Training Package
Includes everything in the Encounter Package, but instead of pre-recorded trainings before and after the deep-dive intensive encounter, all training is live via Zoom one-on-one with you, and there is time for Q&A.
Travel Package
Includes everything in the Encounter Package, but if you are not able to travel
to San Diego, CA, we can come to you.
Corporate, Conferences, Workshops & Speaking Engagements
We would love to speak at your event or within your organization in a group dynamic. There are many ways that we can partner with you. Please contact us for pricing and further details.
Business Retainer
We offer a range of services for kingdom-minded businesses, like holding office hours for employees to schedule one-on-one freedom coaching, intercessory prayer and/or business spiritual consultation.